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Kids' dentist Fort Collins

Serving Patients in Fort Collins, CO

Welcome to The ToothZone Network, where our commitment to outstanding pediatric dental care extends to our vibrant Fort Collins community. Our Fort Collins office is dedicated to providing a welcoming and engaging environment for all young patients. As the kids’ dentist Fort Collins parents trust, we focus on delivering comprehensive dental services tailored to meet the specific needs of children, ensuring a positive and comfortable experience at every visit.

Our team of skilled pediatric dental professionals in Fort Collins is passionate about making dental care fun and educational. We employ the latest in dental technology and techniques to offer a full range of services from routine cleanings and exams to more complex dental procedures. Understanding that each child is unique, we take the time to get to know our patients and their families, enabling us to provide personalized care that promotes lifelong dental health.

At The ToothZone Network in Fort Collins, we believe in the power of a healthy smile and its impact on a child’s overall health and confidence. We invite you and your family to join our ToothZone community where we prioritize safety, comfort, and the highest standards of pediatric dental care. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule your child’s next dental appointment. Let us help your child achieve and maintain a beautiful, healthy smile for years to come.

Directions to Our Practice

If you’ve never been to our Fort Collins location before, here are 2 routes to our office, starting from the two public libraries in our town.

  1. If you’re close to the Harmony Library, simply get onto Harmony Rd and head east, then turn left onto Boardwalk Dr. Turn right into the first parking lot after the credit union. We’re at 712 Whalers Way.
  2. If you’re more familiar with the Council Tree Library, get onto Harmony Rd and head west, then turn right onto Boardwalk Dr, and the rest of the directions are the same!

How Much Local History Do You Know?

Fort Collins, originally founded as a military outpost in 1864, transitioned from Camp Collins, which was destroyed by a flood. The relocation led to the establishment of Fort Collins near the present historic “Old Town” area. The town quickly attracted settlers, was platted in 1867, and saw the construction of its first school and church a year before. By 1868, Fort Collins had become the county seat, replacing LaPorte, thanks to efforts led by local businessman Joseph Mason.

The city experienced its first major growth spurt in 1872 with the creation of an agricultural colony, drawing hundreds of settlers to the area just south of Old Town. This expansion fueled political and social dynamics, leading to the town’s incorporation in 1873.

The economic landscape of Fort Collins was shaped by industries such as stone quarrying, sugar-beet farming, and notably, sheep farming — supported by agricultural research from the newly established Colorado Agricultural College (founded in 1870, with classes starting in 1879). This last industry earned Fort Collins the nickname “Lamb feeding capital of the world” by the early 1900s, highlighting its prominent role in local agriculture.

Throughout the 20th century, despite challenges like the Great Depression and droughts, Fort Collins continued to grow, especially post-World War II, reflecting its adaptability and sustained economic vitality.

We Look Forward to Seeing You!

At The ToothZone Network in Fort Collins, we are more than just a dental practice; we are a part of your community. We pride ourselves on creating an atmosphere where children can feel safe and excited about visiting the dentist. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing gentle, compassionate care that addresses the individual needs of each child. By choosing us, the kids’ dentist Fort Collins parents prefer, you’re ensuring that your child receives the best possible care in an environment that is both fun and educational.

We encourage families in Fort Collins and the surrounding areas to reach out and discover the difference at The ToothZone Network. Whether it’s your child’s first dental visit or a routine check-up or an emergency visit, we are here to support every step of their dental health journey with expert care and a warm smile. Schedule an appointment today and see why so many families trust us with their children’s smiles. Let us be a part of your child’s path to a lifetime of healthy, happy smiles.

Top image by Wikimedia user Citycommunications used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported license. Image cropped and modified from original.