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Shaping the Future of Smiles

interceptive orthodontics Fort Collins dentist

Interceptive Orthodontics at The ToothZone Network

At The ToothZone Network, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive dental care that includes advanced orthodontic solutions for young patients. Interceptive orthodontics, often referred to as phase 1 orthodontics, plays a critical role in our suite of services. As a leading Fort Collins dentist, along with our other locations in Longmont and Loveland, we specialize in interceptive orthodontics to address dental issues early in a child’s development, ensuring better oral health outcomes in the future.


What Is Interceptive Orthodontics?

Interceptive orthodontics is a proactive approach to dental care that identifies and addresses orthodontic concerns at an early age, typically between the ages of 7 and 11. This method focuses on correcting the growth of the jaw and certain bite problems, such as underbites, overbites, and crossbites. 

It also helps in managing space for incoming permanent teeth, potentially reducing the need for tooth extractions later on. By intervening early, interceptive orthodontics can simplify later treatments, often reducing the time and complexity of a subsequent phase of orthodontics during the teen years.

At The ToothZone Network, our skilled orthodontic team utilizes interceptive orthodontics to enhance the development and alignment of a child’s teeth and jaws. By guiding the growth of jawbones and creating more space for the incoming permanent teeth, we can significantly improve both function and aesthetics, fostering a healthier smile as your child grows.


Benefits of Interceptive Orthodontics

Interceptive orthodontics offers numerous benefits:

  • Corrects Growth Issues: Helps in the proper alignment and growth of the jaw.
  • Reduces Complexity of Future Treatments: Early detection and treatment can simplify later orthodontic procedures, often making them quicker and less invasive.
  • Improves Oral Function: Corrects bite issues that can affect eating and speaking.
  • Boosts Self-Esteem: Enhances the appearance of teeth at a crucial developmental stage, improving self-confidence.
  • Prevents More Serious Problems: Addresses dental issues before they evolve into more complex orthodontic problems.


Our Approach to Interceptive Orthodontics

Our Fort Collins dentist team, along with our specialists in Longmont and Loveland, begins with a comprehensive evaluation of your child’s dental health. This includes detailed imaging and assessments to identify any early signs of jaw misalignment or bite issues. Based on this evaluation, we create a personalized treatment plan tailored to the unique needs of your child.


Typical Phase 1 Orthodontic Treatments

Phase 1 orthodontics, or early interceptive orthodontics, involves treatments designed for children between the ages of 6 and 10 to address jaw growth and emerging teeth issues. Here’s a list of typical Phase 1 treatments with brief descriptions:

  • Palatal Expander: A device used to widen the upper jaw so that the upper and lower teeth will fit together better. This treatment is often necessary when there is a discrepancy between the width of the upper and lower jaws, which can lead to bite problems.
  • Partial Braces: Often applied to the front teeth, partial braces correct early dental crowding, close gaps, or align teeth that are significantly out of place. They are used when not all of the permanent teeth have erupted.
  • Space Maintainers: These appliances help keep space open for permanent teeth to come in properly when a baby tooth is lost prematurely. Space maintainers prevent neighboring teeth from shifting into the space intended for another tooth.
  • Headgear: Sometimes necessary to correct more severe bite discrepancies, including overbites and underbites. Headgear is typically worn in the evenings and at night to better control the growth direction of the jaw.
  • Active Retainers: These are not just for retaining teeth positions; some designs can make minor adjustments to tooth positioning and are used to influence jaw growth positively.
  • Functional Appliances: Devices like the Twin Block can be used to adjust jaw positioning, encouraging the lower jaw to catch up with the upper jaw in cases of underbites or to suppress the growth of the upper jaw in overbites.


Each of these treatments is selected based on the specific needs of the child, considering their current dental health, jaw growth, and the position of both their baby and emerging permanent teeth. Early assessment and treatment can significantly enhance the effectiveness of these interventions, leading to healthier outcomes as the child grows.


Why Choose The ToothZone Network for Interceptive Orthodontics?

Choosing the right practice for interceptive orthodontics is crucial. At The ToothZone Network, we combine expertise, compassion, and the latest technology to provide exceptional care. Our team is experienced in pediatric dentistry and orthodontics, making us uniquely qualified to manage your child’s early dental and orthodontic needs. We understand the nuances of growing smiles and are committed to guiding each child towards optimal dental health with personalized, gentle care.

Furthermore, our practices in Fort Collins, Longmont, and Loveland are equipped with state-of-the-art technology that aids in precise diagnosis and effective treatment planning. We maintain a friendly, supportive, and safe environment where children and parents can feel comfortable and informed every step of the way.


Give Your Child’s Straight Smile an Early Start

Interceptive orthodontics is more than just early treatment; it’s about setting the foundation for lifelong dental health and well-being. At The ToothZone Network, we are proud to offer interceptive orthodontics across our locations in Fort Collins, Longmont, and Loveland. We invite you to bring your child for an orthodontic evaluation to discover how we can help enhance their smile and dental health from an early age.

Don’t wait for dental issues to become more serious and harder to correct. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about how interceptive orthodontics can benefit your child. Let The ToothZone Network be your partner in nurturing your child’s growth into a healthy, beautiful smile.