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Serving Patients in Loveland, CO


Welcome to The ToothZone Network, where we are thrilled to offer premier pediatric dental care to the Loveland, Colorado community. Our Loveland office is dedicated to providing young patients and their families with exceptional dental services in a warm and welcoming environment. At The ToothZone Network, we understand the importance of early dental care and strive to create positive experiences that foster a lifetime of good oral health.


Our Loveland team is composed of skilled pediatric dentists who specialize in treating infants and children with the gentleness and care they deserve. We utilize the latest dental technologies and techniques to ensure that every visit is comfortable, efficient, and effective. From routine dental exams and cleanings to more specialized procedures, our goal is to meet the unique needs of each child while making dental health fun and engaging.


Join us at our Loveland location and discover a dental care experience that puts your child’s needs first. We are committed to educating families about oral health and providing supportive care that encourages children to maintain healthy habits. Schedule your visit today and let us help your child achieve a bright and healthy smile in a friendly, child-focused environment.


Directions to Our Practice


If you’ve never been to our practice before, here are two routes to get to our Loveland location, starting from the public library:


  1. Get onto 4th St heading west, then turn right onto Washington Ave, then left onto 7th St and right again onto Lincoln Ave. Turn right towards the Subway when Lincoln splits with Buchanan Ave, and we’re right there at 274 E 29th St.
  2. If you’d like a different route, go east on 4th St, then turn left onto Madison Ave. Continue for almost 2 miles, then turn left onto 29th St. Right after the intersection with Lincoln Ave, turn left, then find us in the second building on your left.


How Much Local History Do You Know?


Loveland, Colorado, has a rich history that stretches back to 1858 when Mariano Medina established Fort Namaqua, the area’s first settlement. Initially serving as a trading post and stage station, this site, now known as Namaqua Park, was a focal point for French fur trappers as early as the late 1700s. The city of Loveland itself was officially founded in 1877, strategically located along the Colorado Central Railroad near the Big Thompson River. 


Named in honor of William A.H. Loveland, the railroad’s president, the city developed from a small settlement called St. Louis, whose buildings were moved to create the new town. For many decades, Loveland thrived on agriculture, with sugar beets and sour cherries as its primary crops. The establishment of the Great Western Sugar Company factory in 1901 marked a significant phase of industrial employment until its closure in 1977.


The late 20th century saw a dramatic shift in Loveland’s economic landscape. Manufacturing facilities from prominent companies like Hewlett-Packard and Hach invigorated the local economy, diversifying its base far beyond the agricultural roots. The city also became known for having the largest cherry orchard west of the Mississippi River during the late 1920s, although this industry faced decline due to various challenges by the late 1960s. 


Loveland’s resilience was further tested by significant flooding in 2013, reminiscent of the devastating 1976 flood. These events, termed “500-year floods,” had profound impacts on the community and the surrounding infrastructure, emphasizing the community’s ongoing challenge with natural disasters. Despite these trials, Loveland has continued to grow and evolve, maintaining its status as a vibrant and dynamic community in Colorado.


We Look Forward to Seeing You!


At The ToothZone Network in Loveland, we take pride in being the pediatric dentist Loveland parents trust for comprehensive and compassionate dental care. Our dedicated team is committed to creating a welcoming and anxiety-free environment where children can learn about the importance of oral health while receiving top-notch dental services. We believe in building long-lasting relationships with our families, ensuring that each child can grow up with a healthy and confident smile.


We invite you and your family to experience the friendly, professional care at our Loveland location. Whether it’s your child’s first dental visit or a routine check-up, we are here to provide expert guidance and support every step of the way. Join the many families who have chosen The ToothZone Network as their trusted partner in pediatric dental health. Call us today to schedule an appointment and see why we are the pediatric dentist Loveland parents trust and recommend.

Top image by Wikimedia user Jared Winkler used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.