Contact Us
Schedule a Checkup
A few things before you schedule:
- At this time, this service is for scheduling checkups/cleanings only. If you need to schedule something else, please reach out to us via phone, email, or text.
- We are not able to schedule emergency exams, orthodontic (braces) appointments, oral surgery (wisdom teeth) consults, or treatment appointments (crowns, extractions, fillings, etc.) through our online scheduling at this time. Please call, text, or email to schedule these.
- If you are scheduling any new patient(s) please be sure to fill out your registration forms under the “Patient Forms” tab right after you submit them. Please be sure to include your insurance information.
- The grey slots/days are unavailable. Light blue slots are the times that are open.
- Be sure to scroll all the way down when you’ve selected the time you want and click the blue SUBMIT button.
- Only ONE patient can be scheduled per blue line, per column.
- We are not accepting adult patients. We are only accepting patients ages 16 & under.
Once your appointment is accepted, a staff member will send you a confirmation text and email with the information provided to confirm the scheduled appointment time, date, and location. If you prefer a phone call, please note that!
If for any reason we are not able to accept your appointment(s) or there is missing information, we will reach out to you at the contact information provided.
Don’t see what you need? Give us a call at 970-223-8687 or email us at
Appointment Requests
Toothzone Drake
Toothzone Network – West Drake Office, West Drake Road, Fort Collins, CO, USA
Toothzone Oak Park
Toothzone, 1220 Oak Park Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80525, USA
Toothzone Longmont
1818 Mountain View Ave, Longmont, CO 80501, USA
Toothzone Loveland
274 E 29th St, Loveland, CO 80538, USA