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 oral surgery Fort Collins dental Longmont Loveland

Oral Surgery Services at The ToothZone Network

At The ToothZone Network, our commitment to providing comprehensive dental care includes specialized oral surgery services to meet the diverse needs of our patients. With state-of-the-art facilities in Fort Collins, Longmont, and Loveland, we are equipped to handle a wide range of oral surgery needs, ensuring that you receive the highest standard of care close to home. Our expert team, led by Dr. Baer, is highly trained in advanced surgical procedures and anesthesia, offering a safe, professional, and comfortable experience.


Comprehensive Oral Surgery Procedures

  1. Wisdom Teeth Extractions: Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are commonly extracted to prevent or address overcrowding, impaction, and infections. Our surgical team uses precise techniques to remove these teeth, minimizing discomfort and promoting a quick recovery.
  2. Multiple/Full Mouth Extractions: In cases where numerous teeth may need to be removed due to extensive decay, injury, or preparation for dentures, our team provides full mouth extraction services. These procedures are carried out with attention to patient comfort and overall oral health goals.
  3. Supernumerary Extractions: The removal of extra teeth, or supernumerary teeth, is essential for maintaining proper dental alignment and preventing future dental issues. Our skilled surgeons are experienced in identifying and safely extracting these extra teeth.
  4. Expose & Bonds: Often necessary for orthodontic purposes, expose and bond procedures involve surgical exposure of an impacted tooth and the attachment of an orthodontic bracket to guide it into the correct position in the dental arch.
  5. Biopsy: Our oral surgeons perform biopsies of suspicious oral lesions to diagnose potential oral diseases, including oral cancer. Quick and accurate diagnosis can lead to more effective treatment.
  6. Bone Grafts: Bone grafting is crucial for patients who have experienced bone loss in the jaw and are seeking dental implants or other restorative procedures. Our surgeons use advanced techniques to enhance jaw stability and support future dental work.


Advanced Anesthesia Options

Understanding that oral surgery can be a source of anxiety for many, The ToothZone Network offers a range of anesthesia options to ensure patient comfort during surgical procedures. With an anesthesiologist on site, we provide:


  • General Anesthesia: For extensive procedures or patients with high anxiety, general anesthesia allows for a completely unconscious state during surgery.
  • Moderate IV Sedation: This sedation option keeps patients in a state of deep relaxation while maintaining consciousness, suitable for less intensive procedures.
  • Deep IV Sedation: For deeper sedation without full unconsciousness, deep IV sedation is available. This allows patients to be unaware of the procedure while still being able to respond minimally.
  • Our anesthesia services are tailored to the individual needs and preferences of each patient, ensuring a comfortable and anxiety-free surgical experience.


Why Choose The ToothZone Network for Oral Surgery?

Choosing the right Fort Collins dental team for oral surgery is crucial. The ToothZone Network is known for its exceptional care and expertise in oral surgery, with dedicated facilities in Fort Collins, Longmont, and Loveland. Our oral surgeons, including Dr. Baer, are experts in their field, using the latest surgical techniques and technologies to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.


Our team is committed to patient education and clear communication throughout the surgical process. From the initial consultation to post-surgical care, we provide detailed guidance to help our patients understand their procedures and recovery expectations. Our offices are equipped with the latest in dental technology, making every aspect of treatment as efficient, effective, and comfortable as possible.


Fort Collins Dental Expertise with a Personal Touch

At The ToothZone Network, we understand that oral surgery can be a significant procedure for many patients. Our approach combines technical surgical expertise with compassionate, patient-centered care. As a leading provider of oral surgery in the Fort Collins area and beyond, we are dedicated to enhancing your oral health and overall well-being.


Whether you are coming in for wisdom teeth removal, a complex biopsy, or advanced bone grafting, you can trust that you are receiving care from a team that prioritizes your health, comfort, and satisfaction. Our offices in Fort Collins, Longmont, and Loveland are here to serve the comprehensive oral surgery needs of our communities, ensuring that every patient achieves the best possible outcomes.


If you are seeking expert oral surgery services, look no further than The ToothZone Network. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how our specialized oral surgery services can help improve your dental health and restore your smile. Let us provide the care and support you need at every step of your oral surgery journey.


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